Uber vs Lyft in Boston region

Tableau Projects


About the project


Me and my team wanted to explore the trends of Uber and Lyft use among people in Boston.

SKILLS: Excel, Tableau, Python


For this task me and my team had to perform data wrangling on uber and lyft datasets associated with the rides in Boston region, and through visualizations analyse the trends of their usage in that region.


The most visited destinations are Back Bay, Financial District and Theatre District. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the busiest days of the week., with 10 AM to 5 PM being the busiest time interval. The longer the distance to lesser was the price per mile. Surge multiplier was a major factor responsible for price per mile of lyft. "uber Pool", "WAV" and "uber XL" were the popular uber cabs whereas "shared", "lyft regular" and "lyft XL" were popular lyft cabs. Overall, Uber was slightly more popular than lyft in Boston region.

Project File